Our District

We have 7 groups across the district, 2 district explorer units and a network unit. We currently have over 500 youth members within the district and around 200 adult volunteers supporting our members.
We believe that we could significantly increase our membership with more volunteers who could spare us the time. Volunteering is #goodforyou as not only does it give you that warm fuzzy feeling, but it gets you out and about, is good for your mental wellbeing and lets you help mould young peoples lives.
7th Newark
​The Scout Hall, Lovers Lane, Newark, Nottingham​shire, NG24 1HG

About our Group
There is an active Squirrel, Beaver, Cub and Scout sections running during the term time as well as hosting one of the Explorer Scout Units, Raptors.
The building is in the process of being freshened up and has the benefits of a stage within the large hall, a kitchen, a smaller committee room as well as disabled access. Outside the building there is an area for parking as well as a small outdoor area.
7th Newark’s current Group Scout Leader is Heather Randall (contact - gsl.7thnewark@newarkscouts.org.uk) and there is a group of dedicated volunteers running each section as well as undertaking behind the scenes roles.
If you wish to join the team, or sign your Young Person up to one of the sections, please use the “Join Us” section on the website.
Recent Activities

We have welcomed Squirrels to 7th Newark this term. 6 have been invested with many more to follow!

Since September, our Beavers have been learning about healthy eating, making fruit kebabs, learning how to take our pulse, learning Yoga poses and finding out about the environment.
We also set ourselves a group challenge of recycling more at home!
Since September, our Cubs have been looking into different types of disabilities, they have tried to write their name using their feet, played blind football, researched who in the Scouting world has disabilities. We also learnt basic Braille.

For the first part of this term, Scouts have been looking at how we can utilise our outdoor space, checking if there is room for a fire pit!, and creating promotional videos to encourage everyone to join Scouts!
Group Activities

Remembrance Parade
This year we took part in the Remembrance Day Parade in Newark! All 4 sections were amazing and behaved really well!